Diabetes Type 2 (DM Type2)


Rs 2500 per month                          Rs 7000 for 3 months

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Why a diet plan for Diabetes is required:

Diet is not only the main component of any treatment plan, it is essentially the first line of treatment for DM type 2.

  • Diabetes type 2 is an acquired chronic disease characterised by decreased insulin hormone secretion or decreased utilization of the secreted insulin. This causes increased blood sugar levels or hyper-glycemia.
  • Obesity, sedentary lifestyle and wrong dietary patterns all contribute to DM type 2.
  • It is also associated with raised blood cholesterol and triglycerides levels.
  • If not controlled, DM type 2 can lead to diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease), diabetic retinopathy (decreased vision caused by diabetes), cardiovascular disease, etc.


  • We at healthynudgez first talk to the individual concerned and try to establish the cause of the disease.
  • Then a diet is planned around the lifestyle and medicine pattern. The diet is planned taking into consideration the daily routine, severity of disease, any associated complication(s), food habits and food preferences of the individual concerned.


  • What is expected from the diets is to achieve the normal blood sugar levels, which can be achieved within a fortnight if diet is followed as per prescription, if blood sugars are raised up to 200mg/dl PP.
  • If they are above 200 mg/dl, it may take more time.
  • Maintenance of blood sugar levels within the normal range along with other parameters.
  • Also, weight reduction and maintenance within normal range as stipulated through the diet plan.

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1 Month, 3 Month


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