
Lose Facial Fat


How to Lose Facial Fat?

Facial Fat is a result of overall weight (fat) gain.  The best approach to lose facial fat is to lose weight overall.

However, certain nutrients, foods and exercises help to tone up the facial muscles and improve blood circulation, improve skin quality and give a glow to the facial skin. They also help to reduce the affects of aging, pimples, acne and wrinkles.

Various Ways To Reduce Facial Fat:

  • Exercise: Some facial exercise and yogic kriyas are quite helpful in removing the facial fat and bring a glow to the skin.
  • Chewing: Masticate your food, till it turns to liquid. This helps to tone the facial muscles. Masticating the food properly improves the metabolism so less fat is formed in the body, it helps in properly digesting the food and increases satiety.
  • Keep Hydrated: Hydration helps to keep the facial skin healthy. Water is essential for removing toxins from the cells and to flush them of unwanted by-products of cell metabolism. This reduces aging, unnecessary fat deposition and also acne and pimples leading to a healthy glowing skin.
  • Proper sleep: Proper sleep reduces the flow of stress hormones and helps to improve skin quality. Researches have proved that proper sleep hygiene, that is maintain the time and hours of sleep, improves the rate of energy utilization by the body, reduces fat stores and slows the aging of skin.
  • Stress Management: roper stress management helps to reduce weight. this can be done by way of meditation, enjoying music, taking up some vocational activities, etc. Even altruism has been shown to promote the flow of hormones such as endorphins and dopamine, which reduce stress and wrinkles and improve skin quality.

All the above-mentioned tips help to reduce facial fat and reduce overall weight.


Nutrients That Help to Tone Facial Muscles and improve skin quality:

  • Water: keeps cells in the skin hydrated and flushes the waste, sources are soups, juices, buttermilk, etc. Avoid caffeine rich liquids such as tea coffee and carbonated beverages, etc. caffeine drains the cells of the water and accelerates the process of ageing.
  • Vitamin A: It helps to keep skin strong and supple. Sources of vitamin A are all red, orange, yellow vegetables and fruits such as red, yellow pepper, pumpkin, papaya, mango, etc.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is important for strong skin and to protect it from external damage. Sources are all citrus fruits such as oranges, lemon, lime, etc., all fresh fruits and vegetables taken as salad without exposing them to heat and much light.
  • Vitamin E: This vitamin is required for proper blood flow and to protect skin damage due to pollution and ultra violet exposure. Best sources are green leafy vegetables, fish oils such as cod liver oil.
  • Zinc: Zinc is important for optimal skin health. Its sources are nuts, beans, and lentils, etc.
  • Vitamin B-complex: The group B vitamins are essential for the effective utilization of calories ingested from food. We get these from whole grains and legumes.
  • Free-fatty acids: These help to keep the oil glands under the skin functioning properly which are important for soft and supple skin. If these glands are in good condition and are not clogged, chances of getting pimples and acne diminish. Sources are vegetable oils, nuts and oil seeds and fish oil, etc.


Foods That Help to Tone Facial Muscles and improve skin quality:

  • Water: The most important is to drink plenty of water in order to clean the cells of the toxic waste and improve blood flow to face. It also helps to cut down the overall calorie intake
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Include more of fresh fruits and salads or boiled vegetables, especially those that have to be chewed longer. Fresh vegetables and fruits also have Fibre, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E (especially green leafy vegetables), all these improve the skin quality and have antioxidant properties.
  • Nuts: These provide the fatty acids, vitamin E and also have zinc. These all improve the quality of skin and make it smooth. They help to reduce acne and pimples. Apart from that chewing nuts is a good exercise for toning the facial muscles.
  • Whole Grains and Legumes: They provide fibre, B-complex vitamins and zinc, improve blood flow to face.
  • Also, roasted mixed grains, oats, flax seed. Roasted black gram and other legumes, are helpful in reducing facial and overall fat.
  • Chewing gums also help to tone chin muscles without providing any calories.

For video on yoga asanas on facial fat reduction logon to

And For more videos on yoga at home click on the link below



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