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Boost Happiness Hormones through Diet? Really!

Recently, I read an article in the newspaper – It said you can boost your happiness (hormones) through diet?

Many people asked me – Really?

My Answer – Yes sure.

Question – But How?

So here we go!!!

What are hormones?

Hormones are the chemical messengers produced by different glands in the human body. These messengers travel through blood and control various functions and processes in the body such as blood sugar levels, growth and development, sleep, digestion, reproduction and even mood.

What are the “happy” hormones?

There are 4 main happy hormones in the human body. These are:

  1. Serotonin
  2. Oxytocin
  3. Endorphins and
  4. Dopamine.

These hormones play an important role in regulating our mood and emotions. They also help to promote a feeling of well-being by improving positive feelings, happiness and pleasure.

The production of these hormones can be naturally boosted through diet and some simple activities.

What are the functions of these hormones?

  1. Serotonin has a role in stabilizing mood, regulating sleep, appetite and digestion. It also helps to improve learning ability.
  2. Oxytocin also known as the love hormone is important for trust, empathy, bonding in relationships and affection.
  3. Endorphins are body’s natural painkillers and help to reduce pain. These also boost pleasure.
  4. Dopamine is part of the brain’s reward system, drives one to achieve goals and feel accomplished. It is associated with the sensation of pleasure, is important for attention, learning and memory.

What are the foods and the activities that improve the production of these hormones?

  1. Serotonin:

Foods: Foods that are rich in the amino acid tryptophan help to improve serotonin production. These include foods such as cheese, milk, eggs, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, soy beans, peanuts, chicken and fish.

Activities that boost serotonin levels include spending time outdoors and meditation. Spending just 15 minutes outdoors in sunlight just a few times a week and meditating regularly for even short periods have been shown to be helpful in boosting serotonin levels.

  1. Oxytocin:

Foods:  Its levels in the body increase with different kinds of foods that are rich in vitamin C and D, magnesium and also those that contain healthy fats. Foods as diverse as banana, mushrooms, peppers, sea fish, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, citrus fruits, nuts and even dark chocolate.

Activities: This hormone is released during physical touch such as during hugging, holding hands or even petting a dog. Acts of kindness whether thoughtful or otherwise boost oxytocin levels.

  1. Endorphins:

Foods: Spicy foods trigger the release of endorphins along with fresh fruits, wine and dark chocolate.

Activities: Regular physical exertion and exercise help to promote the synthesis of this hormone in the body. Sharing a meal with someone or a good laugh with friends and family are other ways of boosting endorphin production.

  1. Dopamine:

Foods:  Foods rich in amino acid tyrosine and magnesium increase dopamine naturally. Foods such as nuts and seeds; almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds are rich in both these nutrients. Along with these foods such as low fat dairy that is milk and yogurt and unprocessed lean meats such as chicken, eggs and fish also help to boost dopamine levels.

Activities:  As dopamine is the part of brain’s reward system, it makes one feel good on completion of tasks, no matter how small that may be. Social activities, cooking together and enjoying a hearty meal also boost dopamine production.

Probiotic foods such as yogurt, kimchi salad, pickles, cheese and buttermilk have been shown to be of help in improving happiness hormone levels in the body.



Which foods need to be avoided for proper functioning of these hormones?

Alcohol, too much caffeine, saturated and trans fats, simple carbohydrates, ready-to-eat and processed foods. Although most people reach out to these foods when stressed or depressed.

These foods may feel comforting and give a short boost but are harmful in the long term. These foods are nutrient deprived and may actually increase the symptoms once the initial effect has won off.


To enhance the production, flow and proper usage of happiness hormones, it is important to follow the following;

Proper diet not only improves moods, it is a natural way to promote levels of happiness hormones in the body, boost immunity and prevent certain metabolic diseases such as obesity and heart disease

Regular outdoor activities such as physical exercise and walk not only are effective in enhancing the levels of happiness hormones but also help in boosting immunity, improving blood flow, regulating mood and managing stress.

Sleep Hygiene meaning good sleep habits. It is important to get about an 8 hour of sleep on regular basis.

Meditation helps to calm the mind, enhance mood, regulate sleep and promote overall well-being.

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