About Healthy Nudgez
The concept of nudge is not a very new concept, rather its use is as old as the civilization itself. We use it in our daily life knowingly or unknowingly to shape people’s behavioural choices towards a correct decision making. You can encounter nudge in different forms ranging from a little push or motivation given to you by your colleague or a friend to a gentle scold from a senior or a mentor.
Physical, mental and social well-being are the foundation and pillars of the healthy living. But in today’s fast paced and competitive life. It is very hard to find the balance between body, soul and mind. This consistent imbalance is the main reason of sudden increase in the cases of lifestyle diseases in India.
Ideology of Healthy Nudgez (HN)
Healthy Nudgez is a unique concept, which does not talk about a thin body, a body with size zero but a fit body. The site is being managed by experienced professionals who are experts in the subjects they are handling. Our team comprises of nutritionists, dieticians, yoga experts, psychology experts and doctors. They are always ready to provide you with a zeroed-in effort to tackle all your health issues.
We at Healthy Nudgez believe that a slight nudge (a little push) is all that is required to restore the balance. We, provide you with a 360 degree view of your health and consistently strive to make you reach your health expectations.
Objective of Healthy Nudgez
The main objective is to provide guidance and counselling on the curative and preventive aspects of nutrition and to spread awareness and to educate people to be able to make healthy choices in life in order to have abetter life, so as to bring a balance between body, mind and soul.
Also to give expert advice on alternative-curative and preventive medicine, lifestyle, fitness, psychology.
Meet the Founder
Founded in 2017 by Mrs. Sunita Roy Chowdhury , Healthy Nudgez, has come a long way from its beginning. When it was first founded her passion for patient care by assisting people in making right choices for better life drove her to do intense research and gave her the impetus to turn hard work and inspiration into a new healthcare model (Healthy Nudgez). Through this site, I wish to spread awareness about healthy lifestyle.
I hope you benefit through my endeavor. If you have any question or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me and my team.
If you have any query or if there is any specific information that you are looking for please get in touch with us using the form below